Are there many differences between a DVS and a dj controller? Dj controllers are portable, there are lots of midi mapping capabilties, Everything is direct. controllers often has a built in soundcard.
There are many ways to mix music. There are no rules really to what type of gear you should DJ with. 1 dj can say this is the prefered mixing equipment wile the other say he likes totally different gear. Its really up to you with what dj-gear you think works for you.
I wanted to see what the main differences are between a digital vinyl system, and a dj controller.
Here are my experiences
In terms of gear you need when mixing with timecode vinyl:
2 vinyl players, preferably with direct drive, 2 pickups(needles),
2 timecodevinyls, a 2 channel audiomixer, a soundcard, a laptop, and software.
With a dj controller you only need a laptop, thats it. and the software.
-faster song cueing
-custom midi mapping
-often includes pads for hotcues
-only usb cable to connect
-price is lower
-DJ controllers platters not spinnin
-Everything is midi
- On controllers you adjust the platter forward or backwards to change the timing.
-There are no analog coloring from the mixer since all music is inside the software.
-platters spinning
-needle dropping thru songs
-tight pitch adjustment response
-timecoded vinyls drifts a bit, since of the flutter of the turntable.
-the vinyls can get scratches and will then not work properly.
-the vinylpickups has to be replaced after a wile.
-you have to set the antiskating and the tonearmweight.
-less range in pitch adjustment
-higher sensitivity for vibration.